The Controversy: Anti-Pornography Rules In Indonesia

Jumat, 14 November 2008

Nowadays, Indonesia has some rules which regulate about pornography. Do you know what the meaning of pornography? Not Yet? Let’s see. Pornography is picture, writing, or other material that is sexually explicit and intended to arouse sexual passion.
Although these rules have been legalized, there are many views in our society. Some of the take sides but many objections.
To begin with, let me tell you the plus sides of pornography rules.
Firstly, these rules (UU APP) can keep the children and women away from the sexual abasements. We all know that, there are many sexual violating done by irresponsible people, who cause the women or children lose their virgin. Moreover, if the victim is unlucky, she can lose her soul.
Secondly, UU APP can reduce the sexual diseases that spread out by sexual intercourse out of marriage. For men, sexual disease, like syphilis, and gonorrhea is very dangerous and the horrible murder. For women, servics cancer threatens them, who like having free sex.
Thirdly, as we know, globalization creates the modern culture and fades our culture away. One of the example is people especially women are not embarrassed to wear the vulgar clothes, like hot pants, you-can-see, tank top, and bikini in the public space. Therefore, legalizing this ant pornography rules is expected decreasing the bad impact of globalization.
On the other hand, the opponent side considers UU APP will kill the artist’s creativities and culture because it’s not odd that they consider the human body is their creativities’ source. Some of our culture, like wearing koteka in Papua, wearing ‘kemben’ in Java and other traditional clothes, will be not allowed. Moreover, many sides think that UU APP will make the tourism activity disable because there are no dances with the beautiful costume, no concert with the combination between women and men, etc.
Well, as a result of the controversy, I do believe than UU APP should be obeyed to make our country peaceful because if we explain deeper and deeper, we can know that there are more advantages than disadvantages.

3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Kq aneh sih baCKGROUNDNYA

Anonim mengatakan...

Hai Rona's, salam kenal....
asyik juga situs kamu.
tapi q minta tolong bisa g?? kasih comment di blog ku y?? ( q bisa tau apa ja yang kurang dari blogku. mksh sblmny

Robie Hakim mengatakan...

Makasih Rona, dah berkunjung.
klo mau download shoutmix langsung ja di
trus nanti kamu disuruh daftar dan copy sourc codenya. abis itu di pengaturan blogger kan ada menu untuk masukin sourc code. klo g salah namanya {text html). ntar kamu paste di situ. sorry klo ada yang salah.